Pictures at an Exhibition

Pictures at an Exhibition is a famous suite of ten piano pieces composed by Modest Mussorgsky in 1874. It is generally acknowledged to be Mussorgsky’s greatest solo piano composition, and has become a showpiece for virtuoso pianists. It has also become known through various orchestrations and arrangements produced by other musicians and composers, with Ravel's arrangement being the most recorded and performed.

Movements of the suite

The ten pieces comprising the suite correspond to eleven pictures by Hartmann (Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle represents two different pictures). The five Promenade movements are not numbered among the ten pictures. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Promenade movements are untitled in the composer's manuscript.
First Promenade
No. 1 "Gnomus" (The Gnome)
2nd Promenade
No. 2 "Il vecchio castello" (The Old Castle)
3rd Promenade
No. 3 "Tuileries" (Dispute between Children at Play)
No. 4 "Bydło" (Polish: Cattle)
4th Promenade
No. 5 "Балет невылупившихся птенцов" (Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks)
No. 6 "Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle" (Two Polish Jews, Rich and Poor)
No. 7 "Limoges, le marché" (The Market at Limoges)
No. 8 "Catacombae" (Sepulcrum romanum) (The Catacombs)
No. 9 "Избушка на курьих ножках" (The Hut on Hen’s Legs)
No. 10 "Богатырские ворота" (The Great Gate of Kiev)

Pictures at an Exhibition - Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen Part 1 (Promenade to No. 2)

Pictures at an Exhibition - Part 2 (3rd Promenade to No. 6)

Pictures at an Exhibition - Part 3 (No. 7 and No. 8)

Pictures at an Exhibition - Part 4 (No. 9 and No. 10)

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